Welcome to Pascas WorldCare, a not for profit organisation with a global network via Pascas Foundation.
Pascas WorldCare has as its goals to mitigate oppressive lifestyle elements. In this regard, the recent development of reliable low cost energy production units has brought about a plethora of interconnected potentials, such as:
- Low cost reliable power which enables global interconnectivity via way of the internet.
- Internet connectivity enables free education on any subject or topic anywhere.
- Freely available information brings about freedom from oppression.
- Truth in delivered information sets a person free from fear and harmful agendas.
- Two kilowatts of low cost energy can desalinate one thousand litres of water, thus drinkable water anywhere.
- Low cost reliable power enables refrigeration, heating, cooling and operation of household appliances.
- Low cost reliable power enables diversity of industry and employment within remote communities.
- Health services covering the majority of issues can now be supported into remote communities.
- The freedom of oppression by self-centred authorities can be mitigated.
- Individuals can achieve a degree of freedom with truth that was not previously available to them.
- With these facilities, one can grow in self esteem and love with the freedom of choice to do so.
One’s quality of water, food, safe housing is paramount to bringing about a joyful and fulfilling life. One’s health is directly related to emotional issues resulting from all aspects of one’s environment. To recognise and mitigate potential health issues is now fully understood and the way to mitigate these issues is comprehensibly shared in the many Pascas Papers that can be freely downloaded from the library section of www.pascashealth.com.
Welcome to the journey that is unfolding for all who embrace these gifts that being shared through Pascas WorldCare and its many friends.
John E Doel
Pascas Foundation