PASCAS WorldCare Ltd is the lead entity to delivery where required:

  • A paradigm shift in health care and health services via way of PASCAS CARE CENTRES.
  • Administration of research and technical support for PASCAS CARE CENTRES through regional PASCAS HEALTH SANCTUARIES.
  • Through the various PASCAS CARE CENTRES, focus upon the management of life threatening illness in remote and emerging communities.
  • Support the development and introduction of clean renewable energies within remote and emerging communities.
  • Support the development and introduction of pure water technologies within remote and emerging communities.
  • Support the development and introduction of nutritious food production capabilities within remote and emerging communities.
  • Provide technologies to enable safe lodging to be available to a wider community.

PASCAS WorldCare is a financially sustainable organization, that is, its assets are not to be depleted, but to be maintained so that the services to be provided can go on indefinitely.

Underpinning these agendas is education.  CHALDI COLLEGE (pronounced Kaldi) is to provide programs for all areas of education required throughout the communities:-

  1. Adult education
  2. Tertiary education
  3. Secondary education
  4. Primary education
  5. Pre school education



If we each take our little piece of the story and try to market it without acknowledging the other stories, our individual agenda will be meaningless. 

We can, collectively, do something in our lifetimes that will benefit humanity forever.

We are, as a community, committed to world peace, eliminating world hunger, and acknowledging that the fruits on our earth are a gift from God, and should be treated as such (clean water, clean air, abundant nutritious food, safe haven, etc.).

PASCAS CARE, PASCAS HEALTH, URBAN RURAL TECHNOPATH, and all the participants within our community are here to share with anyone and everyone the resources, skills, learning and understandings with anyone so that we can contribute towards common goals with the greatest economy of resources and achieve long term permanent advances for all that we come in contact with.

We are told, in no uncertain terms, that we all can achieve incredible outcomes, undertaking thousands of small projects, involving thousands of individuals, ONLY if we work together.  Sustainability with a common voice, whilst undertaking individual programs, will achieve profound long term benefits.

We are offering all our research and findings to assist you with your passion and spirited programs to enhance the long term potential and security of sustainability by cooperating together.

Please feel welcome to share with us your dreams and let us all hold hands and enjoy the strength that is within this community and deliver a greater outcome than all our wildest dreams can possibly consider.

Goals of Pascas WorldCare are lead by our desire to:

Treat the cause rather than the symptoms, this is the focus of Pascas Care.


People look for miracles to cure disease which is ONLY the removal of the effect of the emotion.

Further stated policy, Pascas Care – Kids of the World:

The greatest gift for our children that we could possibly

provide is to enable for them to grow up without fear.