Kids of the World

PASCAS WorldCare – KIDS of the WORLD

Reflecting upon the following transcription received on 2 Feb 07 we wish to share its content:
“Children are the most vulnerable members of society.”

“But when we consider the case of children, their free will is impeded in the initial stages of their physical incarnations.  They cannot physically survive on their own and without protection from those who are stronger and wiser, their ability to achieve any type of spiritual progress is nearly an impossibility.  Now some would disagree and say that even a short life can teach valuable lessons, and this does happen.  But this is not the ideal pattern and I would hope we can agree that taking care of children on this planet should be a number one priority of those who have taken the oath to help humanity evolve.”

May we invite you to share with us any guidance, initiatives, platforms and thoughts so that we can collectively develop a way forward for us all to make a positive and evolving contribution for our Kids of the World. The activities of PASCAS WorldCare - KIDS of the WORLD will be substantially funded through PASCAS FOUNDATION.   PASCAS FOUNDATION will be a humanitarian trust that will financially support the agendas that we all have empathy for and a drive to achieve.

PASCAS WorldCare - KIDS of the WORLD will be also supported by profits generated from the commercial sides of PASCAS WorldCare.
An INTRODUCTION document for PASCAS WorldCare - KIDS of the WORLD is available to highlight issues of focus.
We must listen to the communities that we are to serve, and most importantly, it is the drive of individuals from within our community that achieve the greatest outcomes.
Thus, there are three ways of moving forward, yet as one.
We can support individual projects, such as work with orphanages in various countries as discussed on this forum. Thus individual projects can be turned into significant realities with us all supporting.
Secondly, submitted projects can become part of the collective agenda and achieve priority.
Thirdly, the overall agenda of KIDS of the WORLD can be supported by your participation in PASCAS FOUNDATION both by way of financial and / or personal time.

All options and preferences of individuals are possible of being accommodated.
The management of PASCAS FOUNDATION will come from within our community and as such, there is no 'commission' or other costs imposed upon funds raised - 100% goes to the doing of the projects.

Please go to PDF file to download: PASCAS CARE – KIDS of the WORLD.

The greatest gift for our children that we could possibly

provide is to enable for them to grow up without fear.