A PASCAS CARE CENTRE is generally configured to support any community, however, where required, it will focus its energies upon regional issues. A standard PASCAS CARE CENTRE will employ potentially around 60 folks to deliver medical services as well as a host of other supporting treatments, thus having these potential capabilities:
RHP + PEHRG treatment for AIDS, etc – annual patient treatment programs potential per clinic = 7,000pa.
These resources, particularly RHP which is ozone based, can be employed to assist in the management of other life threatening issues, particularly malaria, tuberculosis, cancers, etc.
The program is to establish up to 4,000 such clinics in remote and emerging communities over the next five to ten years. When you calculate the numbers it is difficult to comprehend what may be possible.
These treatment programs need to be supported by nutrition management. Part of the Clinic is a PASCAS ‘CAFÉ’ to raise the local understanding of appropriate nutrition and support the community in raising the quality of its nutrition. Nutrition is just as important as the treatment programs.
EQUINOX EQUITIES GROUP is a collage of unique technologies to introduce employment opportunities (through the PASCAS CARE CENTRE). Some of the capabilities of these low cost opportunities are:
- Treatment of waste water to deliver high quality potable water and energy to a village.
- The energy source may enable access to communications – wireless hub can connect 20,000 sites – this enables the introduction of global interactive education via satellite of world highest quality and capable teaching agendas and methodologies.
- Technologies encapsulate education, water, food, housing, communications, agriculture, resources, etc.
PASCAS PARK is a park for humanity, it removes boundaries and reduces fear. Ten major parks may achieve 500 million visitors over a ten year period. The ripple effect will take this further.
Our growing fraternity of participants are capable of achieving these goals over the next five years!
Please join with us and we will grow this program even further, faster, stronger and more effectively. We understand there are other ‘rooms’ where clusters of like technologies are occurring and many folks having similar goals. No point doing the job twice.